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Welcome to the official site for Men & Women United for Life. We are a ministry of pro-life men and women serving the Youngstown-Metro area who are dedicated to protecting the right to life of all people, but especially the unborn. 

Through Daily Prayer: members dedicate themselves to praying for the unborn and their mothers who may be facing an unplanned pregnancy. 


Through Education: members learn the truth about abortion and encourage all to live a chaste lifestyle. Members appreciate the dignity of all life from conception until natural death.


Through the Outreach program: members work closely with the teachers in schools and Youth Ministry programs in presenting opportunities to learn about character development, making right decisions, and living a chaste lifestyle.  Outreach efforts also include the general community.


Please see our events page for up to date events. May God bless you richly.



Culture Project Missionaries with Fr. Peter, OP, and Judy Welsh


CP Missionary speaking to high school girls about authentic femininity. 

To easily get to our donation page scan the code with your smartphone

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