Get Involved!
Men & Women United for Life is open for membership to any persons 14 years and older. If this seems to be a ministry in which you would like to participate please contact Judy Welsh (T) 330 718 7746 /, or submit a form request.
Tell your story
Not everyone wants to speak in front of a crowd of people but many have life experience that is just as valuable. If you have a story you'd like us to share, let us know. Someone may need to hear from someone just like you.
Consider becoming a Member
Consider becoming a member. Consider joining the fight for life. Are you ready to take the next step and pledge yourself to ending the evils of abortion and contraception? Are you ready to promote chastity and abstinence? Do you want to grow in virtue? Visit our contact us page and submit a request if you would like to be added to our contact list and kept informed of local events.
Members of Men & Women United for Life offer their prayers daily to end abortion, to cease the use of contraception, and for a revival of the family in America. Members and non members alike are encouraged to offer their own prayers, devotions, and sacrifices such as fasting for the cause of life and chastity.
Men & Women United for Life provides a variety of services.
Our talented team of speakers offer talks in a wide range of areas
"What is authentic love?" Reflections on the teachings of Blessed John Paul II's Theology of the Body.
"What is this dating scene all about?"
Real life stories of young adults as they promote the Culture of Life in today's world.
The gestational development of the baby.
"There is no such thing as safe sin." The spiritual, physical, and psychological effects of sex outside of marriage.
A post-abortive testimony of Christ's healing and forgiveness. This is a beautiful sharing of a woman's healing journey after having had an abortion 39 years ago. No details about the abortion are given. This is a story of how something very good came from a poor decision made in haste.
All lectures can be made to fit your specific needs and desires, there is no charge for the presentations.