Our Founder
Judy Welsh earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology with an additional degree in Elementary Education from Carlow University in Pittsburgh, PA. She earned a Master's Teaching Certificate in Religious Studies from the Diocese of Youngstown. She completed postgraduate work and earned a Master's Degree in Middle School Curriculum from Youngstown State University. She has been a volunteer for Youth Ministry Programs, Birthright International, and other community organizations.
Our Board
Founder: Judy Welsh
Co-Directors: Paul & Julie Pinto
Assistant Director: Jason Henik
Treasurer: Lisa Conklin
Secretary: Kristina Henik
Diocesan Pro-Life Liaison: David Schmidt
All Board Members vow to remain in good standing with the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church strongly teaches the dignity of life from conception until natural death and calls Catholics to actively protect life. All board members work on a voluntary basis.