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Writer's pictureJudy Welsh

They just sang louder

Updated: Jul 2, 2023

I recently read a story about a man who grew up in Nazi Germany and attended a Christian Church that was located along the railway line near one of the concentration camps. He told the story about how trains carrying Jewish refugees would pass by his Church every Sunday morning during the Church service. The distraught Jewish people would cry out for help as they passed by the Church at the same time every week. The parishioners became very upset as they heard the screams and decided to sing louder to drown out the ignored cries.

He related that the screams haunted his dreams for many years as he regretted his inaction to help the helpless.

We, the people of Ohio, are faced with our "railroad cars" carrying unborn babies as they make their way to abortion clinics to lose their lives. Are we going to just sing louder to drown out the cries of the preborn or are we going to take the action needed to stop these atrocities?

An extremely important vote in the State of Ohio will soon take place that has the potential to remove any and all State safeguards against abortion. Those who are for the proposed Amendment to the State's Constitution are currently gathering signatures in grocery, department stores, as well as other locations. They are spreading disinformation about exactly what the New Amendment will do and not do.

1) They are stating that women facing a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy will NOT be able to receive life-saving health care. This is absolutely FALSE. All women experiencing these emergencies will continue to receive the necessary care they need for their own life as well as the life of their baby.

2) Abortion will be allowed to be performed throughout all NINE MONTHS of pregnancy, up until the day of delivery. The language used in the Bill states that "all individuals," will be able to receive an abortion. No age or gender is even mentioned! There will be no age restriction or parental permission required for minor girls. Currently, babies who survive an abortion are seen by a neo-natal Doctor. That will end. Those babies who survive an abortion will not be given life-saving care.

3) Regardless of their religion or conscience, all doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel will be required to perform or assist at abortions, if requested. They will not be able to refuse! If passed, this law will push pro-life Doctors and medical personnel out of Obstetrical medicine because they will not be able to refuse to perform abortions.

4) Access to a medical facility will not be required for those undergoing an abortion. In the past, many abortion facilities were required to be located near a hospital or clinic in case of a medical emergency so the woman could receive life-saving care for a botched abortion. This will no longer be required.

5) Ohio currently has safeguards against abortion being performed on babies with Down's Syndrome. These safeguards will be removed.

6) Minor boys and girls will be able to receive sex-change operations without parental consent.

7) People who are for the Amendment state that a woman's health will improve because being pregnant is actually a danger to her health. A Doctor will be able to state that a women's health requires her to receive an abortion if the Doctor determines that she is suffering from physical, fiscal, mental, or socio-economic problems.

What can we do?????


1) Learn as much as you can about this important issue and pass this information on to others, especially if you hear them supporting the Bill.

2) All people who are in favor of life are encouraged not to sign any petitions.

3) Vote in August. IF the initiative passes in August, it will be on the November ballot.

The information in this blog is from and From the Median radio program. There is excellent information on these websites.

Singing louder will not drown out the truth.

God bless,


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